Conserving native fish

Helping native fish and ecosystems

Native fish require continuity in their ecosystems to let them swim unimpeded. Implementing the proposed solution to stop invasive carp can help native fishes and their ecosystems in two ways:

  • First, and most importantly, reliably stopping carp at Pool 5 (near Winona) will allow a long-standing plan to develop fish passage upstream of Lake Pepin* to proceed. It would include fish ladders and spillway gate adjustments.
  • Second, native fish passage past Lock & Dam 5 can be enhanced while blocking carp using gate adjustments, fish captures, and a fish elevator.

Stopping invasive carp is essential for conserving native fish and protecting ecosystem health and biodiversity. More research is needed, but management options that both control carp and conserve native fish species already exist. Failure to act on them would be a double disaster.


 *See Wilcox et al. 2004 in References & resources