References & resources

Key peer-reviewed references

This section lists references and has links to peer-reviewed research publications, scientific data, and background information related to the problems and solutions identified on this website

A. Biology and Ecology of Invasive Carp

  1. Cudmore, B. M. N. E., and Nicholas E. Mandrak. Biological synopsis of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2705, no. 7 (2004): 1-44. An excellent, albeit dated, summary of the biology of grass carp.
  2. Kolar, Cindy S., Duane C. Chapman, Walter R. Courtenay Jr, Christine M. Housel, James D. Williams, and Dawn P. Jennings. 2005 Asian carps of the genus Hypophthalmichthys (Pisces, Cyprinidae)―a biological synopsis and environmental risk assessment. An excellent, albeit dated, summary of the biology of bigheaded (silver and bighead) carp. 
  3. Nico, Leo G., and James David Williams. Risk assessment on black carp (Pisces: Cyprinidae). US Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, 1996. An excellent, albeit dated, summary of the biology of black carp.
  4. The US government website with recent data on species ranges and biology (look under text queries) 

Effects of invasive carp on river ecosystems, biodiversity and fisheries

B. Effects of bigheaded carps on plankton abundance and biodiversity 

  1. Domaizon, I., & Devaux, J. (1999). Experimental study of the impacts of silver carp on plankton communities of eutrophic Villerest reservoir (France). Aquatic Ecology, 33(2), 193-204. Silver carp consume large quantities of plankton.
  2. Altenritter, M. E., DeBoer, J. A., Maxson, K. A., Casper, A. F., & Lamer, J. T. (2022). Ecosystem responses to aquatic invasive species management: A synthesis of two decades of bigheaded carp suppression in a large river. Journal of environmental management, 305, 114354. Direct evidence that bigheaded carp significantly affect plankton abundance and diversity
  3. Sass, G. G., Hinz, C., Erickson, A. C., McClelland, N. N., McClelland, M. A., & Epifanio, J. M. (2014). Invasive bighead and silver carp effects on zooplankton communities in the Illinois River, Illinois, USA. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40(4), 911-921. Effects of silver carp on plankton communities

C. Effects of invasive carp on native river mussels

  1. Tristano, E. P., Coulter, A. A., Newton, T. J., & Garvey, J. E. (2019). Invasive silver carp may compete with unionid mussels for algae: First experimental evidence. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(10), 1749-1757. Bighead and silver carp consume the same food as native mussels.
  2. Porreca, A. P., Butler, S. E., Tiemann, J. S., & Parkos, J. J. (2021). Differential vulnerability of native and non-native mollusks to predation by juvenile black carp. Biological Invasions, 1-10. Black carp eat native mollusks, and are a serious threat to them 

D. Effects of grass carp on plants

  1. Porreca, A. P., Butler, S. E., Tiemann, J. S., & Parkos, J. J. (2021). Differential vulnerability of native and non-native mollusks to predation by juvenile black carp. Biological Invasions, 1-10. A review shows that grass carp will remove many native plants

E. Effects of bigheaded carps on many native game (and non-game) fishes in the rivers

  1. Irons KS, Sass GG, McClelland MA, Stafford JD (2007) Reduced condition factor of two native fish species coincident with invasion of non-native Asian carps in the Illinois River, U.S.A. Is this evidence for competition and reduced fitness? Journal of Fish Biology 71: 258-273 A study shows that the growth rates and condition of native bigmouth buffalo and gizzard shad are affected by bigheaded carps.
  2. Schrank SJ, Guy CS, Fairchild JF (2011) Competitive interactions between Age-0 Bighead Carp and Paddlefish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132: 1222-1228 Effects of bigheaded carp on native paddlefish.
  3. Chick, J. H., Gibson-Reinemer, D. K., Soeken-Gittinger, L., & Casper, A. F. (2020). Invasive silver carp is empirically linked to declines of native sport fish in the Upper Mississippi River System. Biological Invasions, 22, 723-734. Strong persistent declines in the abundance of many native gamefish are noted in Mississippi River tributaries when bighead and silver carp are present.

A sustainable, practical way to control invasive carp

F. Locks and dams are the key to controlling carp (and all river fisheries management) 

  1. Tripp, S., Brooks, R., Herzog, D., & Garvey, J. (2014). Patterns of fish passage in the upper Mississippi River. River Research and Applications, 30(8), 1056-1064. A study in the Mississippi River shows upstream movement of all fish is hindered by locks and dams.

G. Using spillways in locks and dams to control carp

  1. Zielinski, D. P., Voller, V. R., & Sorensen, P. W. (2018). A physiologically inspired agent-based approach to model upstream passage of invasive fish at a lock-and-dam. Ecological Modelling, 382, 18-32. Passage through spillway gate is predictable by a fish passage model, varies between specific lock and dams, and can be reduced (to stop carp) or increased (to let native fish pass).
  2. Finger, J. S., Riesgraf, A. T., Zielinski, D. P., & Sorensen, P. W. (2020). Monitoring upstream fish passage through a Mississippi River lock and dam reveals species differences in lock chamber usage and supports a fish passage model which describes velocity‐dependent passage through spillway gates. River Research and Applications, 36, 36-46. The Zielinski et al. 2018 fish passage model which predicts carp passage rates at locks and dams based on spillway gate operations and flows is validated by tracking study.
  3. Zielinski, D. P., & Sorensen, P. W. (2021). Numeric Simulation Demonstrates That the Upstream Movement of Invasive Bigheaded Carp Can Be Blocked at Sets of Mississippi River Locks-and-Dams Using a Combination of Optimized Spillway Gate Operations, Lock Deterrents and Carp Removal. Fishes, 6, 10. Numeric models using data from invasive carp who they can be stopped at pairs of locks and dams by focusing on parts of locks and dams (the pools they enclose) and take at least 3 actions: 1) perform carp removal in the pool; 2) install a carp deterrent to the downstream lock(s) and 3) adjust spillways gates to reduce carp passage. Some locations are much better than others: 99.9% success is predicted at Lock and Dam 5.

H. Lock deterrents

  1. Cupp, Aaron R., Marybeth K. Brey, Robin D. Calfee, Duane C. Chapman, Richard Erickson, Jesse Fischer, Andrea K. Fritts et al. Emerging control strategies for integrated pest management of invasive carps. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70, no. 4 (2021): 21057-1. A review of USGS sponsored research on carp control and deterrents. 
  2. Dennis, Clark E., Daniel Zielinski, and Peter W. Sorensen. A complex sound coupled with an air curtain blocks invasive carp passage without habituation in a laboratory flume. Biological Invasions 21.9 (2019): 2837-2855. A lab study showing that sound played into an air curtain (a bioacoustic fish fence of BAFF) can stop 98% of all carp.
  3. USFWS 2022. Lake Barkley Bioaccoustic Fish Fence effectiveness study. Results of a study of the BAFF installed in KY to stop carp passage 
  4. Barr Engineering Company. 2022a. Assessing where to locate a fish deterrent system in Minnesota? A study of the 6 locks and dams located below Lake Pepin shows that lock and dam 5 is the best suited for a carp deterrent.
  5. Barr Engineering Company. 2022b. First Draft: Preliminary Engineering Assessment of the Feasibility and Estimated Cost of Installing a State-of-the-Art BAFF Carp Deterrent at Mississippi Lock and Dam 5.  Barr Final Report

I. Carp removal techniques 

  1. Bouska, Wesley W., David C. Glover, Jesse T. Trushenski, Silvia Secchi, James E. Garvey, Ruairi MacNamara, David P. Coulter, Alison A. Coulter, Kevin Irons, and Andrew Wieland. Geographic-Scale harvest program to promote invasivorism of bigheaded carps. Fishes 5, no. 3 (2020): 29. Carp removal can be effective but not enough to control carp without substantial effort/ bounties and/or using other techniques.

J. Native predator control of invasive carp

  1. Sanft, E., Parkos III, J. J., Collins, S. F., Porreca, A. P., & Wahl, D. H. (2018). Vulnerability of juvenile bighead and silver carps to predation by largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 147, 1207-1214. A field study shows that the potential for native fish to control juvenile bigheaded carp by preying on them is small.


K. Importance of river continuity: How it can be improved as part of a carp control program

  1. Aadland, Luther P. Reconnecting rivers: natural channel design in dam removals and fish passage. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 2010. An account of fish passage systems installed in northern streams (not peer-reviewed) 
  2. Anderson, R. L., Anderson, C. A., Larson, J. H., Knights, B., Vallazza, J., Jenkins, S. E., & Lamer, J. T. (2020). Influence of a high‐head dam as a dispersal barrier to fish community structure of the Upper Mississippi River. River Research and Applications, 36(1), 47-56. –The only study of fish communities up and downstream of a high-head Mississippi River lock and dam to determine effects of blocking passage. No effect is measured.
  3. Bednarek, A. T. (2001). Undamming rivers: a review of the ecological impacts of dam removal. Environmental management, 27(6), 803-814. A review of the ecological effects of dam removal. 
  4. Zielinski, D. P., & Freiburger, C. (2020). Advances in fish passage in the Great Lakes basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research. A new review of fish passage options that could be used in the Mississippi River.
  5. Wilcox et al. (2004) Improving fish passage through navigation dams on the Upper Mississippi River system. Technical report.